
Atlantica 2200 now has its own facebook page!



  • 02/03/2016 Character profiles and new page style complete, old universe references in these sections removed.
  • 05/12/2015 All major hero and villains groups updated to the new premise - existing stories on the story page though are still "wrong" as they do not adhere to the new "universe".
  • 05/10/2015 - After a lot of thought I've decided to give the Atlantica 2200 universe a shake up and remove some of the things I was not happy with that made certain story lines impossible. Don't worry your fav characters are staying but their back stories may change as will the entire world!
  • As a general guide pages which have been altered to fit the new continuity will have an italic title.
  • 25/12/2013 - All character now had individual or group profiles.
  • 29/12/2013 - Story uploaded "Seastrike - The First Mission"
  • 04/07/2013 - website launched