

Several Famous Heroes Left-Right: Impact, Cancer, Merlin, Caracal, Conjurer, Hawk, Magistrate, Hypergirl, Charger and Spirit

Whilst all vigilantes (by the nature of their work) can be considered criminals in their countries CLEA has to employ a more open policy. Even when requested for help with these individuals CLEA will only act is if beleived the "spirit of the law" and the "letter of the law" has been broken in regards to local laws. In simple terms if a vigilante has served justice with actions that serve the greater good in terms of protecting civilians and their property then CLEA will not act. By acting in this manner CLEA has been able to rely on some of these people to resolve situations that they would have otherwise struggled with. "Vigilantes" being used in this manner are usually referred to as "special assets" by the organisation.



The people below are known to CLEA to operate as vigilantes either singly or as part of a team/group. The general public tends to refer to these people as "heroes" or in the case of Alphas, "Alpha Heroes" (a term originally coined by the press). Despite generalised opinion not all vigilantes as in fact Alphas. Some use superior/custom tech, whilst others simply are ordinary people with above average combat skills.






Solo "Heroes"