



  • Ashley Thomas


Vigiltante Type:

  • Alpha human


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha ability - By touching any person he can assume their form.
  • Alpha ability - infiltration and espionage.
  • Alpha ability - infiltration and sabotage


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • spying


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • As well as being able to change his body to any male or female form he can also approximate clothing. However since this technically means he is "naked" he can suffer ill effects from overly hot or cold temperatures. Consequently he prefers to wear "real" clothes and only mimics clothing when circumstances dictate a need to blend in very quickly.
  • He does not "know" what his target knows not their mannerisms so before infiltration he has to study his target. On the occassions he has been found out it is down to the fact he has acted totally out of character or not known a detail the "real" person would have.
  • Though he can mimic the appearance of an Alpha he cannot duplicate an ability.



Ashley Thomas is something of a mystery that walks the fine line between hero and anti hero. Whilst the picture above shows both his "normal" male form and a female guise he adopted, in the case of the former it is not his true form but rather another alias.


Much of this was eventually revealed when CLEA became the only law enforcement agency to track him down and capture him. He was wanted for infiltrating numerous government agencies around the world and stealing intelligence. This put him firmly in the category of a criminal but when interviewed he explain his actions as uncovering corruption.


He had survived the purge by Black Shadow and with so many people killed by the criminal group having got people in the corridors of power, he took it upon himself to do the same, seek out corruption and destroy criminal groups from the inside. For the first time he then revealed that he was definately a man and he kept his true form and name a secret in order to protect his family, a security meaure Ashley revealed was worth while.


The CLEA officers inteviewing him suggested that Black Shadow was gone (this was in a time before the organisation reappeared) and therefore his fear was no excuse for spying on governments. However Ashley countered with the fact that there was still corruption and there were still people in power with links to criminal organisations. He then suggested instead of charging him it might be worthwhile that they let him go since he could be a valuable asset to those fighting for law and justice.


To the officer in charge of the questioning he was amazed when a message was handed down from the top to let him go. From then on Ashley became a special asset for the agency and his actions at infiltrating other law enforcement agencies has seen him place CLEA at odds with them. However the benefits and intel he collects have far outweighed the annoyances he causes to the point CLEA has used its power to extract him from situations that have turned "political". Though "protected" by CLEA, Ashley does not exclusively surrender information to the agency as it has been noted he has passed on intel to other vigilante hero groups when he has learned that a serious crime is set to take place.


Intelligence gathered on Thomas himself has revealed he shadows his intended victim for several weeks to learn manerisms and likes and dislikes. This information is needed so when he "becomes" that person he does not make the mistake of acting out of character. In the case of female targets he often chooses to wear his "default" male guise and likewise found that male targets were often more willing to reveal intel to a "sexy" female form.

Aware that if he borrowed a shape off another person (male of female) during his intelligence gathering phase and was expose he could inadveretantly put the "real" person in danger he adopted a "special" male and female guise which cannot be traced to anyone, since both are an amaglamation of several people. (Keeping his true "male" form a secret also protects his family as mentioned above.)


Once he is ready Thomas then replaces his target and begins gathering intel on the organisation he has infiltrated. At greater personal risk he has posed as operatives within a criminal group and once "inside" has used his position to sabotage operations. The problem with such groups is that if he is "discovered" the people he is trying to dupe would not think twice before killing him. Curiosly he has sometime employeda double bluff technique by revealing the possibility of a shape shifter which he had used ot great affect to spread panic and paranoia for few people ever realise the person making the "revelation" is the actual shape shifter.