



  • Conor Brennan (current pilot)


CLEA Classification:

  • Robot


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Since Red Ronin is mirroring it pilots movements Conor is in no direct danger of getting hurt (although he does "feel" via feedback sent to his suit so is aware when Red Ronin is being hit).
  • Red Ronin is capable of far move acrobatic moves than the average human - these are programmed as subroutines that Conor can activate since he cannot mirror the actual moves. Control during these "special" attacks is taken over by Red Ronin and then handed back to Conor upon completion of the manoeuvre.
  • Red Ronin has more strength and speed than humans so can jump greater distances and lift around six tons.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • NA


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Vulnerable to electric/EM based weaponry.
  • If the data uplink/downlink connection is broken Red Ronin switched to "return home" mode. During this phase he is not only vulnerable but an an enemy can also track the robot back to it's base.
  • Need regular recharges which limits the time in action.
  • Conor's feedback suit can be overloaded by too much data sent. This technically is the only way he can get hurt.




Meteor is a powered exo skeleton armour designed and built by the late Kyo Nomura who also created the Red Ronin remote control automaton. Meteor was created as an interim project to create a sensory input suit for what would become “Outreach” the precursor of Red Ronin.

Unlike the later two robots which would operate remotely and thus keep their human users from harm, the nature of Meteor being essentially a “wearable robot” meant that its operator was still at risk. However Kyo only wanted to create the unit in order to test the viability of his sensor suit. To this end, though the wearer of Meteor was surrounded by an artificial outer “skin” the inner sensor suit provided the pilot with real sensual data enabling them to experience the world as if they were wearing ordinary clothing.

Those that test piloted the suit complained that it was cumbersome and physically demanding but overall Kyo’s design was a success. Since it was never meant to be used other than a stepping stone towards his end goal of a fully remote automaton, Kyo was not too disappointed about the criticisms about Meteor. He had no real use for it as the design was simply a means to an end.

However he did have bills to pay and this was around the time the Raiders were making themselves known to the world and causing all sorts of problems for local and international authorities everywhere. Kyo therefore decided to refine his design and make it suitable for military use. He envisioned a solution to the Raider problem in the form of mobile armour.

To reduce the physical demands on the wearer he added power servos which were then tied in with the inner sensor suit. This reduced the physical load to such an extent most wearers were not even aware they were wearing such a bulky exoskeleton. Since the unit was going to be used by the military Kyo beefed up the outer shell considerably. The extra weight and thickness of the armour meant that when it worked with the servos the wearer was not only well protected but could do feats that matched industrial equipment.

Even without the use of external weapons and ordanance the wearer could cause considerable damage by punching through walls or acting as a battering ram. Putting it simply Meteor was not just a weapons platform but a weapon in its own right, or that’s how Kyo’s people tried to market it.

However the military forces around the world were not interested in the hype and when it came down to costs they had plenty of cheaper “solutions2


He made further refinements to address the complaints and upgraded it for military use but the military was not interested in his mobile armour. As far as they were concerned the expense did not justify the means. The Meteor armour was therefore placed into storage (ironically to find its way into civilian use year later) and having learned to build a working sensor array Kyo returned to his original goal of making a remotely operated automaton.

Always aware that there was a chance that this would happen, Kyo was intelligent enough to take precautions in case he was ever killed. He made sure that the Red Ronin was stored away from the main business premises and at a storage location only he knew. That save Red Ronin from getting destroyed when the Drone Lords followed up on their murderous mission and completely devastated Kyo’s workshop and factory. Ensuring Red Ronin would survive though would not be enough so Kyo had taken the time to select a ‘pilot’ in case things turned bad which they had inevitably done.

The man he had chosen was Conor Brennan someone Kyo had encountered years before he had ever met Mark Ryce. Conor, from Ireland was a military man who travelled the world with a black ops unit that performed assignments for a couple of military units working out of Europa.

The pair met after Conor had finished an assignment and along with his unit had stopped of a New Tokyo on the way home. Finding a cheap club the comrades had intended on having an all-night drinking session when it was unexpectedly cut short by an explosion that tore through the building.

Thrown by the blast Conor got separated from his friends and having been knocked out, in the smoke and the confusion they could not locate him and had no choice but to get to safety before they became victims of the chocking atmosphere. Kyo who was also in the nightclub with friends when the fire started saw the helpless man lying face down and rather than just escaping he chose instead to pull the injured stranger to safety.

After recovering from his injuries Conor tracked down the man that had saved his life and the two became good friends. Over time due to work and assignments their friendship became lost in the annals of time, but Conor never forgot the promise he made to Kyo and that was in return for saving his life "if ever he needed a favour he would be there for him." The last thing Conor ever expected was to receive a message from Kyo via a detective agency that had tracked him down.

The message, written by Kyo, explained that if Conor was reading it then he was dead and that it was probably at the hands of the Mechaniac. The message continued with Kyo wanting Conor to put a stop to the villain and stating that he would be given the tools for the job. At the bottom of the letter there was an address and the last thing the detectives did was hand him a set of keys, which Conor presumed was connected with whatever was at the address.

Since the address was just outside New Tokyo, two days later Conor found himself on a plane out of Europe heading for whatever mystery awaited. Once at the address he found what appeared to be an old warehouse but on the inside it was pristine and clean. In the centre there seemed to be a large circular chamber or room which was accessed by another key. There he found the Red Ronin and a host of video messages explaining how the suit functioned and how he could repair the robot.

Listening to the messages he understood that Kyo had been consumed with guilt in giving the Mechaniac the tools to create the Drone Lords and he wanted Conor to "correct" his mistake by stopping the villain. Kyo's recorded message stated that he reckoned that since he could not be there to stop the Mechaniac by creating tech then the only other way to stop him was by fighting. Kyo stated he believed Conor's military training along with the Red Ronin might be enough to distract the Mechaniac's plans long enough for somebody else to invent technology to shut the villain down permanently.

Having spent most of his life fighting for somebody else’s cause, Conor felt it was his duty to fulfil Kyo's final wish. After all he still owed him that favour. In strange way he was glad of the “assignment” because now that he was retired from military service and without family he found his life was without direction. At least now he had gained a purpose that he had been sadly lacking.

Just as Kyo had asked, Conor set about disrupting the Mechaniac where ever possible. Red Ronin soon came to the intention of the Knight’s Forge. After realising that the machine could be a valuable ally in the fight against criminals and terrorists, the Forge tried to open a dialogue. Since they were unable to find where and who was operating Red Ronin, they made contact with Red Ronin itself and offered its “owner” access to resources stating in return for the chance to study the machine they hope that data learned could be used to supply “heroes” with tech to remain one step ahead of their enemies.

At first Conor flatly refused to acknowledge the request since responding would effectively eliminate his anonymity which so far had kept him safe. In time though, despite Kyo’s tutorial videos Conor began having problems maintaining the robot. He was a soldier not an engineer so if he was to continue he knew he needed help. Conor therefore came forwards to the Knights Forge and accepted their offer and they in return supplied a small number of trusted staff to keep Red Ronin in keep condition.