Blast Zone




  • Lisa Renard


CLEA Classification:

  • Alpha Human


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha ability - allows her to "charge" objects with kinetic energy and excite the molecules to such an extent they become unstable and explode. She can control the effect to such a fine degree she can introduce a time delay before detonation.
  • Skilled in hand-to-hand combat - does not only rely on her Alhpa ability and is protected by a well made bespoke armour suit.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Willful destruction of property
  • Muscle for hire
  • Mercenary
  • Demolition expert


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Very tactically minded but can be tricked into a close combat situation if she is unaware her opponent has the advantage in doing so.
  • Not immune to physical effect of her own "bombs" so can get hurt/burnt.
  • Unable to stop a charged object from exploding once "set".



Whilst many would regard Lisa Renard as a demolition expert due to her ability to charge object with energy and make them explode, when it comes to hiring herself out she has proved quite adeptat performing a variert of roles both on her own and as part of as crew. Typically Alpha Superiors that are good at destruction usually have no finess when it comes to using their abilities. Lisa is different for she can charge any object from a paperclip to a large building support.

Consequently CLEA has linked her to safe cracking, sabotage, attempted murder, property destruction and many other crimes. As well as using her abilties to complete the job she has been paid to do, Renard is quite accomplished at defending herself from outside interference. On a number of occassions CLEA has thought they have her cornered she has blown up various obstacles (sometimes the officers own cars). Even Alpha Heroes do not take the threat she poses lightly as she has bested them a few times. To add insult to injury on the one time CLEA did capture her inadequate precaatons were taken and she was able to escape their custody by blowing up the prison transport.