

Left-Right: Mist, Monarch, Abyss, Thunderchild, Pitbull and Zero





Group Members:

  • Joe Sinclair - Abyss
  • Hao Meng - Mist
  • Mathew Newman - Zero
  • Jessica Ryan - Pitbull
  • Tawni Glover - Thunderchild
  • Pertra Korhonen - Monarch


CLEA Classification:

  • Alpha humans (entire group except Thunderchild)
  • Tech Augmented human (Thunderchild)


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha ability - Sinclair (Abyss) has the means to open a subspace pocket inside his own body. This can be used to store people and objects on a temporary basis. Anything “organic” entering the pocket is kept in a form of suspended animation.
  • Alpha ability - Meng (Mist) can change his body into a gaseous form and pass through narrow gaps. Allows him to become practically invulnerable in combat situations.
  • Alpha ability - Newman (Zero) can generate ice from his hands which he can use this to freeze objects and people.
  • Alpha ability - Ryan (Pitbull) increases her strength and resilience increases whenever she experiences negative emotions particularly anger, pain or fear. Her ability almost instantly kicks in as a threat responce only instead of fleeing she attacks
  • Glover (Thunderchild) designed and built an experimental armoured flight suit. As well as allowing her to fly it greatly enhances her strength and resilience and protects her from projectile weapons of medium calibre and below. Estimated top speed of Mach 0.85
  • Alpha ability - Korhonen (Monarch) can emit a psychic mind "blast" that causes those hit to imprint themselves upon her. They instinctively see her as a leader/mother/matriarch and become her willing servants. Whilst victims retain some of their existing personality and emotional responses the mental imprinting causes them to lose their existing motivations, loyalties and some of their inhibitions. Those hit by the psychic blast at range are only temporarily affected lasting anything from a few minutes to a few hours but for those targeted with a sustained blast at point blank range the effect is permanent. Her victims actually see the psychic blast as a visible white beam of light emitted from Petra's head or hands when in actual fact there is no discernable energy actually present.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Attempted homicide
  • Terrorism
  • Willful destruction of property
  • Kidnapping
  • The group beleive they are eradicating evil in society by having to tear down the existing social structures and restart anew.


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Sinclair's mind is so badly warped by the "voices" inside he is ompletely unstable and irrational. He is unable to think tactically,
  • Korhonen's main weakness is down to the fact she cannot attack more than two minds at the same time and if her blast successfully connects for brief instant psychic energy flows in both directions so victims can see into her mind albeit it would not change the inevitable outcome. Also for the imprinting to work her victims must have a partly open mind at the instant when she performs an attack. Alpha's with psychic abilities or people with strong mental disciplines can survive her attacks providing they concentrate on keeping mental barriers in place so over time Petra has learned to counteract this defence by distracting her opponents and breaking their concentration.
  • Ryan can easily defeated by psychic Alphas who can flood her mind with positive emotions.
  • The rest of the team is only held together via Korhonen's influence at Sinclairs command



If all the law enforcement agencies in the world and all the “heroes” are considered to be bringing order to society by providing justice and thus building a better future then this group of individuals could be considered the polar opposite.

Led by one of the most powerful Alpha humans, Abyss, the aptly named Chaos group’s apparent purpose only seems to be to destroy. Its warped goal is to eradicate the evil in society the only way possible, by tearing it down so that it can be replaced with a new enlightened order.

Ironically its original members were all considered heroes until they encountered the Alpha Criminal Monarch who forever altered them.



The first five members of Chaos, Abyss, Mist, Zero, Pitbull and Thunderchild were originally members of Peter Meyer’s (Striker) crime fighting group, the Guardian Alliance (see Phoenix Alliance). Though they all figured themselves heroes, an encounter with the powerful psychic Alpha, Monarch on their very first mission changed all that.


The team were supposed to keep Monarch distracted until Striker could disable her. However Striker was inexperienced as a leader and had not had the chance to earn the other’s respect. This resulted in the team’s downfall because Abyss’s impatience surfaced and he got bored of waiting outside the building they had chased their target into and were no surrounding. Instead of following orders he chose to take on Monarch alone without support.

By acting unilaterally and without Striker’s psychic abilities Monarch was able to invade Abyss’s mind and he suddenly began following her orders. Acting as her willing servant Abyss captured Pitbull and brought her to Petra so Jessica could be imprinted as well. The process was repeated with Monarch acquiring more “followers” until only Striker remained.

Digitise was the last captured by Monarch’s new minions but Striker intervened before the imprinted Pitbull and Thunderchild could take her back to their new “leader”. Using his psychic sword he stunned the pair and snatched Digitise. The pair then had no option but to withdraw as together they did not have the means to capture Monarch.


With Abyss, Thunderchild, Pitbull, Zero and Mist under her control Monarch was left with the problem of what to do with her captives. Though they were her willing servants the effect was only set to be temporary. Throughout her life she had theorised that a sustained attack at close range would cause permanent imprinting but had avoided using her abilities in that manner as she had considered a legion of people following her and falling over themselves would be an absolute nightmare.

However as Striker had discovered her vulnerability to a group attack (which would have succeeding if Joel had followed orders) Petra realised it was perhaps time for her to get some protection and figured the best people to "protect" her would be the five Alphas currently under her control. She thus took each one in turn and put her hands on their heads and performed a massive psychic blast. As she had theorised the imprinting was made permanent in Abyss and the others.


She was quite pleased with herself, knowing that anyone coming after her would have to face a group of six Alphas. Petra’s arrogance blinded her to the fact that she never once had bothered to understand how the abilities of her thralls worked. They were under her command so she did not bother with such trivial concerns, and it was her failure to understand Abyss’s abilities that would later see him break the imprinting with dire results for both her and the entire world.


Gifted with the means to create a subspace portal in his body Abyss could “absorb” people and objects and retain them for some time before ejecting them back out. This “portal” was directly controlled by Joel's mind and this had the side effect that whenever he “absorbed” a human being into his body, their psyche would be merged with his own temporarily. The major problem for him was upon release from the subspace portal a weak copy of that person’s mind in the form of fragments would remain behind.


When he had first noticed this during his time as a rookie hero, Joel had decided to limit the exposure to the minds of others by only absorbing objects. However due to Monarch's imprinting she had removed Joel’s mental safeguards. The upshot of this was that over time in “serving” Monarch he began to amass a huge amount of thoughts, memories, drives and desires of other people. This had the effect of diluting Monarch’s imprinting and instead of following and protecting her without question Abyss started to become driven by the thoughts of others that plagued his mind day and night without mercy.


As many of those that had fallen victim to Abyss whilst protecting Monarch were heroes the memory fragments often shared common traits. Negative thoughts were always stronger and because what drove most heroes to act were the failings in society the fragments inside Abyss’s head became a reflection of this. This constant chorus of voices all telling him what was wrong with society slowly drove him insane.

The only way he figured he could fix what the voices were telling him was to fix society in general by starting anew and in his mind that meant destroying the old social order and replace it with a new one. Naturally Abyss figured to make sure the new society was being maintained correctly he had to be at its head, the voices were telling him that.

The first time Monarch or any of the others became aware of something wrong with Abyss was when he began communing with the memory fragments and having conversations with himself as he made his plans with imaginary people. In carrying out his plan he needed to take control of the group and this led to him starting to challenge her orders. Eventually as the weeks passed and Abyss grew more confident, Monarch began to fear she was losing control and decided to put a stop to the “crazy man” by giving him another psychic blast.


Her plan was to reinforce the original imprinting but when she did this and linked her mind to Joel’s she became exposed to the legion of thoughts that plagued him. She now realised that to stop Joel she would have to imprint her will on all the psychic "ghosts" inhabiting Abyss’s mind which completely overwhelmed her. She tried to break contact as the alien thoughts flooded her head but it was too late. Even though she got a mental block in place one powerful thought made it passed her defences and that was Abyss's plan for a new world order.

The outcome was a complete irony for instead of having Joel act as her servant once more, Petra suddenly found herself inexplicably wanting to bring Joel's idea to fruition. In effect some of his insanity had spread to her and after the mental link was broken Petra told Joel she had seen his future and wanted to be part of it.


Her announcement he took as a sign that fate had put him on the correct path and so he announced his intentions to the others and made it clear that if they were not with him then they would be swept aside. Ordinarily they might have turned against him as they were still loyal to Monarch but since she was now “accepting” Abyss’s idea to rebuild society on a global scale they were obliged to follow her as she was following him.


Destruction on a massive scale soon followed as Abyss and his group began trying to bring down the existing social infrastructure and hierarchal social order. The rich and powerful needed eradicating so the first attack the group performed were against a corporate giant, TK mineral. They attacked an industrial complex outside Europa and then followed it up with an attack on CLEA's New Tokyo HQ.

Other targets followed and the complete randomness that only made sense to Abyss left security forces completely baffled. With the help of CLEA and “heroes” later attacks were often repelled but since nobody knew where and when the next attack would come, containing the group became a high priority with every law enforcement agency around the world.

Despite the fact there were only six of them Abyss and Monarch were extremely powerful so even most hero teams thought twice before taking them on. Even more problematic for those trying to stop the group was the fact that as Abyss was insane there was no reasoning with him.


Eventually the group began to be collectively referred to as Chaos. The press conjured up the name because during clashes with police and anyone else that tried to stop them, Abyss often took the time to spell out his intentions. It was not known if this was to try and intimidate them or was a misguided effort to get others to follow him but he had a habit of repeating the same statement “from chaos a new world order will begin”. The press picked up on the word “Chaos” as it seemed to describe the groups attack pattern perfectly and once that happened the name stuck.


Since Abyss began building his new order the group have often found other criminals joining them when the desired end result matched both of their needs. However whilst others have ran with Chaos the extremist nature of the group often ensures partnerships are short lived.