
Zeus Protectorate and Orion

Left-Right: Iversen, Kagome, Roberts and Wagner





CLEA Organisation Classification:

  • Social Cleansing Organisation


Organisation Activity(s):

  • The Zeus Protectorate beleive they are protecting humanity from itself by removing the most dangerous Alpha Superiors from society


Organisation Weakness(s):

  • The Potectorate has made many enemies of both vigilantes and criminal teams of Alphas



(The following section refers to the Zeus Protectorate's primary capture team "Orion")


Group Members:

  • Stefan Iversen (Leader)
  • Max Wagner
  • Natsumi Kagome
  • Cameryn Roberts


CLEA Classification:

  • Specialist Combatants/Tech Augmented humans (entire team)


Special Properties/Skills:

  • The bodysuits worn by the team give them protection up to high calibre rounds.
  • Weapons used by the team are generally non-lethal and consist of specially modified guns to deliver drugs/shock charges etc on impact.
  • Wagner is the teams weapons expert and on missions makes the tactical choices in terms of ammo and weapons.
  • Kagome is specially trained as a scout and her job is to get in close to a target and report back. Frequently she engages the target first.
  • Roberts is trained in electronic countermeasures. She disables alarms and other tech "problems" so the team can have an easy run at the target. She is also responsible for "containing" captured prisoners, unsing her tech to prevent and Alpha using his or her abilities.



Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Kidnapping and false imprisonment.


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • They have to retrieve the targets alive. This gives their enemies opportunities to use far greater force providing they can best Orion tactically.



Orion is a code name given to the hunters that capture Alpha’s deemed a threat by their employers and take them to be incarcerated at a private prison known as the Zeus Facility. Many captives here are guilty of no crimes but the “Protectorate” who fund the operation believe all Alphas with “super powers” are a danger to ordinary people and should be kept away from the general public in civilised countries.

Since the Protectorate are extremely powerful business people with virtually unlimited resources means Orion had access to the technology needed to deal with almost any Alpha they come across.



The origin of “Orion” lies with their founders, a group of wealthy business people who witnessed the arrival of the first Alpha humans. When some chose to use their gifts to harm others they became alarmed. The general public were scared in many countries despite the Alpha Heroes trying to restore order. Some people demanded that their Governments lock all the dangerous people away, but no civilised political body would incarcerate and entire “race” of people, especially those that did no wrong.

The business moguls that would become the Zeus Protectorate heard the radical calls and drew plans to do the one thing the politicians and UN would not do. However before the plan came into operation, Black Shadow began its deadly purge.


Like so many things that went on hold during the two decade period, once Black Shadow had been crippled, and the Alphas began resurfacing, those business people still in power (and some new allies) decided to put their plan into operation.

They witnessed CLEA build its first Fortress facility and though that took care of the criminal Alphas, the newly formed Zeus Protectorate decided that there were plenty of other Alphas who could still be a danger to any civilised society whether they used their gifts intentionally or inadvertently.

To this end the Protectorate purchased a small South Pacific island and began building their own “Fortress” (later called the Zeus Facility). Since its occupants might be innocent of any crime they made the facility less prison like and filled it with the creature comforts of home where they could live out their days whilst weaing an Alpha Suppression collar (similar to those used at CLEA Fortresses). Aware that some residents would not be able to cope with lsoing their freedom the Protectorate decided that any resident could have an alternative to wearing a collar and instead be cryogenically frozen until such time science evolved to neutralise their gifts.

Known trouble causers and criminals though would not be given a choice and subjected to the latter fate. Since the members of the Protectorate considered themselves civilised they refused to consider killing Alphas like Black Shadow had once done. They believed that in staying at the facility the freedoms the people were sacrificing should not result in any hardship but for the greater good they could not remain around ordinary folk.


Once the facility was built the Protectorate began seeking out mercenaries that would be sympathetic to their cause and eventually research led to them finding the four people that would become Orion. Early “captures” by the team proved to have mixed results as some targets escaped but this was only a learning experience for the team and the Protectorate. By gathering data the Protectorate were able to develop technology specifically for capturing almost any Alpha and with their resources the time from idea to end product was greatly accelerated so within a couple of years, Orion was over ninety percent successful.


Law enforcement agencies soon learned of Orion and whilst they thought it convenient they were taking criminals off their hands it was equally convenient for them to ignore the innocent people being taken. CLEA and a few other agencies from America and Europa could not stand idly by but there was a problem, the Zeus facility was on a private island that no agency had any jurisdiction to operate. The only chance to put a stop to the Protectorate was by capturing Orion when it was on territory which was their jurisdiction. However Orion’s advanced tech has ensured that has not been the case.

CLEA currently estimated the Zeus Facility has at least three hundred inmates and is aware of one successful break out attempt instigated by Night Shadow although it is now believed that since then the facility has had its defences strengthened to ensure it is one hundred percent escape proof.