Characters and Groups

This section contains a selection of interesting characters and groups of people that inhabit 22nd century Earth.


Subsection Index

CLEA is considered to be the only global crime fighting agency. Significantly it has no political agenda as it is not aligned to any government. This neutrality has allowed the organisation to support national agencies worldwide including countries that consider themselves politically opposite.

In order to perform their ongoing role of supporting national agencies CLEA has to remain “transparent”. For this reason it allows national crime agencies full access to most files to people on its database.



This section details some of the database containing information about the organisation and some of its people as well as personnel available to law enforcement agencies in the form of CLEA's own assets


Known Vigilantes

These are people who are known to "enforce" the law as they see fit and in the countries they operate they can be considered dangerous criminals in their own right. More often than not the general public often regards the people in these files as "heroes" even if local/national authorities act differently.

Each individual character/group subsection is excerpts from the main CLEA database with intel collected from field agents, other local/national law enforcement agencies or voluntarily given by individuals themselves.


Persons of Interest

This section contains some of the top entries of people that are either high level known criminals or people considered to have links to serious crime.In the case of the latter firm proof has never been found so CLEA maintain a "watch" status on the individuals until evidence can be gathered to ensure a conviction.


Each individual character/group subsection is excerpts from the main CLEA database with intel collected from field agents and other local/national law enforcement agencies.