The Grey Man




  • Leonard Jenkins (Assumed from records)


CLEA Classification:

  • Alpha human


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha ability - Gives him the means to resurrect the dead but to restore a life means another life must be sacrificed. He can do this as the same time by acting as a conduit between living person and a dead one.
  • Alpha ability - He can take a “life force” and seemingly store it for use later. This also seems to have some sort of rejuvenation effect on the Grey Man for he has maintained the same appearance for nearly fifty years.
  • Alpha Ability - if the Grey Man has “reserve life forces” he may cna survive lethal force at which point he will have the means to counter attack.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Homicide/Manslaughter
  • Does not consider himself good or evil, simply he is a force of nature.


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Cannot ressurect and body that has been dead and begun to show signs of decomposing.
  • He cannot ressurect anyone he has taken the "life force" from.
  • Does not use weapons and does not engage in physical confrontations.



Despite several investigations by CLEA and other prominent law enforcement agencies not a lot is known about the "Grey Man". The name comes from his usual attire of a grey suit which he has been seen wearing on every occasion he has "appeared" around the world.

Though no firm intelligence is known CLEA has assumed the man is an Alpha and that there is some element of truth regarding the rumours circulating, that state he has the means to reawaken the dead by sacrificing the life of a living person.

The stories all hint at the same fact that when the Grey Man makes contact with a dead body and living "sacrifice" he is seemingly able to transfer the "life force" between the two bodies. However his ability does not seem to allow him to reawaken somebody that has already been "sacrificed" nor can he reawaken a body that has too badly decomposed. Rumours also persist he is sometimes "paid" to bring back someone to life.


Other stories circulating hints that the Grey Man can kill in advance and use the stolen life force to reanimate others at a later time and further witness accounts point to the fact that the same life energy that can bring others back to life appear to sustain his own life. This is perhaps why he become something of an urban legend for the Grey Man has been seen for well over fifty years and has never changed his appearance or aged in that time.

About the only thing that is known is the fact that anyone known to have tried capturing or hunting down the Grey Man has never survived the encounter or if they have they have never succeeded and have been forever changed.