Senator Beckett


REAL NAME: Paige Beckett

AGE: 44

HEIGHT: 5' 7"





Excellent tactician in political terms.

Knows how to get the best from people under her.


Craves money and power which acts both as a strenght and asa weakness


Paige Beckett appeared on CLEA's watch list following the demise of Black Shadow. She was suspected of being involved in the sydicate along with several other Senators but due to the covert means in which contact in the organisation communicated no hard evidence has been produced to even arrest her.

Much of the accusations againt her have been levied by rival Senator Frank Morgan and though ordinarily this would be considered as politicla mud slinging, Morgan was an deep cover agent for the SAIU during the Black Shadow investigation. His information therefore carries a lot of weight but without hard evidence even his word is not enough to bring about a prosecution.

Its in unknown why Paige joined the crime syndicate for any particular reason other than the typical goals of obtaining power and money but after the organisation collapsed and she "escaped" with several high ranking members CLEA decided to covertly monitor.

It is a well known fact that some Senators have links either knowingly or unwititngly with organisted crime who fund their political campaigns and without the syndicate to back her it has been noted she has been seeking alternative funding. Always cautious, when enganged in these enterprises her staff involve third parties so she is well protected from the law. However though not currently directly linked with any criminal activities CLEA beleives that my usage of surveillance they can use her efforts to unearth as yet unknown organised crime operatives. For this reason SAIU senior officers recommend leaving her in place unless she makes a serious mistake and exposes herself in such a way that an arrest will result in a prosecution.