Power of Two



Team Members:

  • Callum MacKenna
  • Lee MacKenna


CLEA Classification:

  • Alpha Human


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha Ability - Combined form of the MacKenna twins. Has twice the speed, stamina, resiliance and strength of an average adult male. Also has four arms and is around two-three foot taller than an average human male.
  • Not a skillful fighter, more of a brawler for the extra strength and arms make Power of Two extremely difficult to fight at close range.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • As for MacKenna Twins


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Attacking from range nullifies most of Power ot Twos advantages.


The Power of Two is the combined form of the MacKenna Twins. Once they merge only one twin can have access to "motor" control of the form but both can see, hear, feel and smell albeit the twin who had control is the one that "directs" what they both see, hear and smell. That twin is also the only one that can speak out loud but the other twin whom exists in "background" can "speak" to the other via their combined forces. As the twins tend to wear different hairstyles a visual clue to which twin is in control is which hairstyle the Power of Two has.