
Three High Ranking CLEA Personell Left-Right: Chief Naylor (North American Region), Chief Shaw (European Alliance) , Chief Rostov (Russia)

The Combined Law Enforcement Agency or CLEA is an international agency tasked with investigating and aprehending the worlds most notorious criminals and global threats. Unlike agencies that are linked to specific countries which cannot operate outside their borders CLEA operates in over 85% of countries world wide thus they can track down and aprehend suspects who evade justice through border hopping.


"Famous" CLEA Personnel

Whilst CLEA tries to keep the identities of its personell secret for security reasons invariably the public has been made aware of certain groups or individuals. In some instances details have been released into the public domain when both operative and the organisation feel that such information could be useful for recruitment purposes or for publicity purposes. In other cases (particularly individuals) names have been deliberately leaked into the public domain via the press or criminals wishing to expose an operative and thus limit his/her/their means to operate.










CLEA tends to deal with threats that would be considered to be of national and international level the organisation does not tend to come in conflict with local levels of law enforcement. For this reason they are granted complete autonomy in the European Alliance, China and North America which fund the organisation. However since there is always a possibility that CLEA might inadvertantly interfe with existing investigations it is more usual for them to liase with local and national law enforcement agencies. This is especially true during the intelligence gathering stages whereby co-operation benefits both CLEA and whomever they have "partnered" with.


Making use of full autonomy therefore only comes into play when a recognised threat is known and CLEA believes there is imminent danger to civilians. Quite often when those situations arise national/local authorities are aware of the problem and welcome the assistance meaning CLEA chiefs rarely have to forcibly take charge. In doing this the number of times military forces have to contend with criminal threats have been reduced worldwide. Despite this the agency is not considered a military unit and for this reason does not deal with political conflicts which is the role of the UN military.


Since formed CLEA has created it has devloped training methods and technology equal to that employed by criminals and is now considered to the foremost agency in dealing with specialist "enhanced" criminal types. That changed when Alphas "appeared" and began using their gifts from criminal activities. CLEA therefore had to adapt itself and did this my employing Alpha's to counteract these new threats. Despite the number of known Alphas few have joined CLEA's ranks and this is beleived to be due to distrust of law enforcement agencies in general or individual refucing to conform to the CLEA heirarchey. Rather than dismissing a valuable asset CLEA has allowed itself to work alongside famous individuals/groups" of "amatuer heroes", which are refered to internally as "special assets".


By working with Alphas, CLEA has been able to develop tech to deal with almost every type of major criminal. In many cases such tech goes beyond that used by some countries at the national level. Consequently as CLEA expanded across the world it found itself taking reposibility for detaining such individuals and building supermas prisons at various locations scattered around the world.


Command Structure


Regional Chiefs

Unlike other organisiations CLEA does not have one person in charge of the entire operation, but instead they have several equal ranking personell each taking charge of one global region. In times of a global crisis the operations directors (usually known as chiefs) will work together to resolve an issue. Currently CLEA is controlled by seven chiefs who are as follows:-

North America - Stephanie Naylor

South America - Mia Rojas

European Alliance - Malcolm Shaw

United African Nations - Hasina Traore

Russia - Vasiley Rostov

South Asia - Huojin Sun

Australasia - Joshua Hunter


Assistant/Section Chiefs

These form the next level of command and help reduce the workload for the regional chiefs


Special Ops

Special Ops (see below for more detail) can be requested by Assistant and Section Chiefs but require the authorisation from a section chief before deployment.



Handlers are responsible for supervising groups of agents and intelligence gathering units at a "local" level.



Agents usually work alone or in pairs. Their primary duties involve intelligence gathering in the field and arresting suspects. When working for CLEA each agent reports back to a handler but when an Agent is "loaned" to another national/local agency they either report back to their handler and/or the equivelant level supervisor in the organisation they have been asigned to.


White Guardian Agents

White Guardians Agents are not often "seen" or known by the general public since they do not put their Alpha abilties on public display. They act like other agents and lead "normal" lives are called upon to use their Alpha abilities as a means to enhance their intelligence gathering skills.

i.e. Being able to identify a suspect is lying through mind reading, or extracting encrypted data by having the means to physically interact with a computer system etc.

Due to their unique gifts/skills White Guardian Agents can work on several partial assigments at the same time hence unlike "normal" agents they are rarely involved in a criminal investigation from start to finish.Often White Guardian Agents do not use codenames (unlike White Guardian Special Agents - see below) but this is down to personal choice.


Special Agents

These work in a similar fashion to Agents but have a specific skills and generally operate with more autonomy. Often Special agents are often used to perform undercover or deep cover duties. Since these agents work alone and are often given assignments that place them in great danger they often receive specialist weapons and combat training.


White Guardian Special Agents

These people are very much the Alpha equivelant of Special agents and can choose three different "roles" in the organisation.

A minority or WGSA's choose to perform under cover work (like Special Agents) where their Alpha abilities can give them "an edge".

Most WGSA's however perform duties similar to that of costumed vigilantes, dealing directly with threats to the general public, often against other Alphas. Unlike vigilantes these agents are paid by CLEA and have the full backing of CLEA's resources. They are also "protected" from any legal proceedings. Being automous WGSA's will often choose which cases to take on and can often remain in the field for months at a time before reporting back. Like their vigilante counterparts WGSA's often use codenames to protect their identity.

Lastly the second largest group of WGSA's perform security work, protecting CLEA's facilities from outside and inside threats.


Intelligence Gathering Operatives

These are small teams of analyists whose purpose is to gather data either indirectly from computer sources or by visiting crime scenes etc. Unlike agents they do not operate out of sight. By performing the "leg work" the information collected either serves to help agents in the field by supplying updates (via handlers) or for the CLEA organisation in general.


Security Troops/Guards

These fall under the command of Section chiefs working at an actual CLEA installation. When security is needed away from a faciltiy (such as VIP security) this task is often handled by agents.



Away from the front lines, CLEa employs numerous civilian personell for non hazardous duties.


Specialist Ops

In some situations which involve serious hostile threats that are beyond the means of agents/local national agency CLEA's speical ops will be deployed to resolve the crisis. White Guardians that serve on the teams are combat trained unlike their Special Agent Counterparts.


Special Teams

Specialist teams can be permanent or temporary depending on the mission profile (i.e. Cyberfight which was established to counter the threat posed by the Raiders and disbanded after the threat status posed by the mercenary group dropped). The creation of a special team is often done at the instigation of a regional chief but once active they are considered to be global assets and so can be assigned duties anywhere afterwards.


The "head" teams are CLEA's fast responce units. On call permanently they can be deployed at a moments notice with the purpose of dealing with a criminal threat before it has a chance to get properly organised. By arriving quickly and striking with precision the "head" teams usually perform one of two roles;

Fast Attack - Neutralise a threat before the criminals are aware of what is going on

Rescue/Extractions - Protect and recover civilians/CLEA personell before they can be killed or used as bargaining pieces.

If the armed situation is due to a political conflict the UN has to authorise deployment first. In all other cases CLEA can deploy the teams with permission from local/national agencies.

Like all the other teams "Head" teams can also be deployed in a secondary support role to assist in an ongoing crisis.

  • "Spearhead" - Fast land based attack and extraction.
  • "Thunderhead" - Land based heavy armour support and defence.
  • "Beach Head" - Marine/ amphibious extraction.
  • "Arrowhead" - Air support and extraction


"Weather" teams are strike teams called upon to neutralise hostile criminal forces when collateral damage to civilian populations is considered negligable. They perform the roles military forces are often called upon to deal with of a criminal nature. Of these, the original "Tornado" team was killed in a failed raid on the Mechaniac.

  • "Monsoon" - marine anti-piracy strike team
  • "Hurricane" - air/land/sea attack force dedicated to elimination of drug cartels.
  • "Tornado" - dedicated to neutralising mercenary units (land based)


"Round table" teams are small soldier units that specialise in hostage rescue.

  • Arthur - White Guardian unit (can be deployed in a support role with other Round Table Teams)
  • Lancelot - high rise building specialist
  • Tristan - air drop infitration specialist
  • Galahad - maritime/air hijack specialists
  • Percival - engineering specialists (support team, work alongside other Round Table teams when entry by any "ordinary" method is impossible)


"Metal units" consist of operatives whose main duties involve capturing and containing known dangerous individuals. Each team is comprised of people with "specialist" skills that are suited to mission they are selected for.

  • Platinum - White Guardian Unit
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Copper


Special Assets

Special assets are personell that are not official part of the CLEA chain of command but can be called upon to perform duties similar to agents or strike teams. The usuage of special assets initially came about following the formation of Zodiac. Esentially a group of Alpha vigilantes, CLEA chief Naylor saw posibilties in using the group to resolve problems where their unique abilties give them the edge. When other so called "hero" groups began appearing (non Alpha and Alpha) a number of these offered their services to CLEA and so the Special Assets division was added to the command structure.