Person of Interest Files

Persons of Interest Files

Left- Right: "The Interrogator" and "The Baron" (SAIU surveillance), "Knockout" Alpha Criminal (CCTV footage), Big Ron outside court after case collapsed ("New Tokyo Observer" newspaper archives), "Comet" Alpha Criminal (CLEA Mugshot taken before his escape - note Alpha electro-suppression collar)

As per its agreement with other law enforcement agencies around the world, CLEA gives access to its databases in regards to the most dangerous criminals and/or the organisations they work for. Due to the size of the files in the database only a small section consisting of the most "interesting" people is shown below.


Known Criminals

Most criminals in this section are confirmed as highly dangerous to the general public. Files handed over to CLEA from other agencies have had the reports verified before being submitted to the database.


Criminal Groups/Teams/Organisations and their associates.


Criminal Partnerships


Lone Criminals