• Bacteria Z - name given to the alien bacteria that travelled on the meteor that struck Earth and later discovered to have "created" Alpha humans and Species Beta.
  • Beta, Species - Species Beta refers to any animals or plantlife that have been affected by Bacteria Z and like their human counterparts have gained unusual abilities or properties. Most Species Beta are found on what remains of Japan where it is contained and the area is quarantined under international treaties established by world super powers. The existance of Species Beta is kept out of the public domain as most governments do not want to risk drawing attention to such powerful creatures and the power someone could gain if they managed to obtain such an entity. Despite this a few Species Beta have "escaped" and some have ended up in the wrong hands. Such is the threat the creatures/plants pose to ordinary people if they propogated or got into local ecosystems that most governments have a policy to eradicate any Species Beta found outside of Japan.

Note: In recent times some aquatic Species Beta have been discovered and they are very much harder to contain without military support. Marine agencies have therefore taken to tagging suich creatures and then if they are deemed a threat at a later date military resources can be brought in to neutralise the Species Beta.

  • Black Shadow - International crime syndicate that that at one time nearly erradicated all Alpha Superiors over a twenty year period. Now functioning again in a limite capacity but still very dangerous.
  • Burnout Alpha - Term use to describe Alpha Superiors who have over used their special abilties and can no longer access them for days or weeks until their bodies have recovered from the undue strain.