Wheels of Fury



Group Members:

  • Li Wei Yeung - Rose (Left)
  • Jadyn Axel - Jade (Right)

Also See:


CLEA Classification:

  • Specialist Combatant (Assassin previously - Rose)
  • Specialsit Combatant (Jade)


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Yeung has been trained in advanced sword handling skills. She is also well versed in unarmed combat and is excellant aim with a pair of pistols.
  • Axel is well trained in using firearms and has been trained by Yeung in advanced unarmed combat.
  • Both women are highly skilled at riding motorbikes and have learned to combine the riding with the fighting skills enabling them to fight whilst moving.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Homicide (Rose - when she was working for the Twelve)
  • Assault (Rose)
  • Aggravated Assault (Rose)
  • Assault and battery (Rose)
  • Assault (Jade)
  • Aggravated Assault (Jade)
  • Assault and battery (Jade)


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Neither women wear substantial body armour so can be taken out by firearms/ranged weapons is caught unawares.
  • Enemies of the Renaissance Mob.




For full history see Road Warriors


Whilst Jade and Rose came from completely different backgrounds they found a common enemy in the Renaissance Mob. As members of the Road Warriors they exacted their revenge on the crime gang but with the arrival of Spirit in the Road Warriors they began to feel suplus to requirements. Needing to contiually train and practice their skills was proving difficult since the Road Warriors had chased off the Renaissance Mob. The pair, having gained a strong friendship decided that perhaps it was time to leave in order to find new challenges and though, Dave, Mackie, Spirit and Spectre were reluctant to see them go they parted on good terms.

Despite running their own operations they still mantain contact with the remaining Road Warriors and have on occassion teamed back up with their old group. However since the split the pair have gained a reputation of their own thus ensuring that history will remember them as "Wheels of Fury".