



  • Takiko Yamazaki


CLEA Classification:

  • Alpha Human


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Alpha ability - Allows her to generate a blinding flash of light from her body. As well as temporary blinding at close range anyone that "sees" her flash is temporary knocked unconscious for a few minutes (possible hypontic effect).
  • Flight capable via her suit.


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Robbery
  • Thief
  • Infiltration specialist


Potential/Known Weakness(s)l:

  • Alpha ability can be negated by indirect observation (cameras etc) and certain visual aids such as welding goggles/masks.
  • Avoids physical confrontation.
  • Avoids harming civilians
  • Chooses to flee when situation goes out of her control.



Takiko grew up in a poorer district of New Tokyo. After seeing her family suffer due to having to scrape by, beleives fate has gave her the chance to reap some rewards when her Alpha abilties activated. Angry at the world for her tough childhood she beleived the world owed her a debt and so took the name Blinder and become one of the best thieves in the Alpha Criminal community.

Taking on jobs for a variety of clients she is not afraid to take out anyone that gets in the way of her goal. However unlike other Alpha criminals she does set out to deliberatly hurt people.

Having "obtained" an armoured suit one of the first item she stole was a prototype pair of wings. These she attaches or detaches from her suit depending on the job in hand. When not wearing the wings she tends to arm herself with a stun rifle of unknown origin. This is a last resort weapon for when all else fails. A loner by nature, Blinder has avoided alliances with other criminals as most she find in her opinion to be "completely nuts".