



  • Victoria Price (originally before "conversion")

Also See:


CLEA Classification:

  • Cyborg


Special Properties/Skills:

  • Faster, stronger and far more resiliant than a human female. This enables her to leap massive distances and gives her the power to literally punch through walls


Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


Potential/Known Weakness(s):

  • Needs power for her artificial components and is susceptible to electronic weapons.
  • Has to maintain her organic systems.
  • The Mechaniac is her biggest distraction.





.Due to circumstances that surrounded her "creation", information regarding C.L.A.R.A. is limited at best. The host person that became the cyborg entity, Victoria Price has very little recollection of her past other than the occassional flash back. Using her own personal accounts handed to the agency via the Knight's Forge and research abtained by other law enforcement agencies, CLEA has been able to expand on her origins.


As far as CLEA is concerned, C.L.A.R.A.'s current history actually starts with the supposed death of Victoriua Price. She was an officer in a British Special Op's unit which was sent in to capture one of the worlds most wanted criminals, the Mechaniac. The commanders in charge of the operation beleived a surprise attack with a small strike force would be better suited than a full scale assault on his base which would draw attention to themselves and thus alert the villain. (Ironically CLEA would try the same method with equally disastrous results).

Under the cover of darkness the team entered the compound outside of the base and immediately discovered problems because the Mechaniac already had drones waiting in hidden locations. Clearly he had anticipated an attack and positioned his "troops" in such a way thaty aerial reconnaissance would not discover them. The team were completely surrounded and once their escape route was blocked they had no option to retreat and fought bravely against futile odds. Every single member of the unit was cut down in a hail of gunfire.

Victoria though somehow survived but she was in an extremely poor condition. Having lost both legs and her arms reduced to shreds. Desperate to survive she tried to crawl to safety and discoved the Mechaniac himself barring her way. To this day she did not know why he elected not to kill her and presumed she perhaps reminded him of someone he once knew.

Either way the next time she "awoke" she found herself encased in a metal body. The Mechaniac introduced himself and then informed her that she was a prototype robot creation of his that had been built with artificially grown organic systems as a means of investigating research into cybernetic systems.He told her that her name was C.L.A.R.A or Cyborg lifeform alteration reseach automaton and since he had repaired parts of her brain with components she had no memory of her old life and therefore had no reason to doubt she was an entirely new creation.


For weeks he studied her and ran tests. She in return did everything she asked although she considered it odd he told her never to remove her helmet. She was told that doing so might damage her core systems by exposing organic components to air and shut her down so naturally she obeyed. In time though the story of her creation did not seem to ring true because when her "mechanica" body was shut down for the benefit of her organic parts to rest she began having "visions". In time she grew curious so one night when she was supposed to have "shut down" she remained awake. she headed to the Mechaniac's lab and using the tools, removed the helmet.

She was aware that there was a human face under the helmet already as she had "seen" parts of it through the helmet front glare screen. However now she could see her face clearly in a reflection it triggered a release of memories surrounding the illfated raid. She began to remember who she was but not much from the period of her life before the raid which was still hazy. Though in shock she had to know what she was so Victoria began taking apart her body apart her body starting with the breastplate. That cover alone revealed the full extent of what had been dones to her body and she discovered all that remained of Victoria Price was an upper torso, neck and head.


Alerted to her scream the Mechaniac found Victoria in the lab. He made no apologies for what he had done. Unable to live with what she had become, Victoria tried to kill herself by ramming a metal cutter into her chest but was unable to do that. Her artifical limbs refused to comply. The Mechaniac then told her that in repairing her brain he had been able to program commands into her like any of his other automatons. Anguish turned to anger and she tried to attack him but as soon as she approached the Mechaniac her body shut down again. That was when she learned of one of his other commands.


When she awoke next she found the breastplate had been replaced. The Mechaniac then met with her and explained he had done what he had to do to save her. He needed a companion and decided she would suffice. He then warned her that she could never attack him, harm herself or deliberately disobey his orders. He also warned her that should she try to leave his facility her body would also shut down.


With little alternative to comply she became his "house guest". She even pretended to like him in an effort to gain his confidence all in an effort to find someway to break the programming inside her head. Months passed before the Mechaniac made his mistake and revealed he knew the whereabouts of all his creations via a transponder. Victoria figured she had been fitted with a similar device in order to prevent her leaving. A few nights of investigating her own "body" eventually led her to find exactly what she was looking for. She diasbled the tracker and then tried to get outside the perimeter and after a few histant steps she found herself to be still mobile. Rather than wait for a more opportune moment she made a run for it.


Once free she once more tried to end her life but her artificial body refused to comply so she finaly accepted she was stuck in her current form. For the next few months she managed to remain hidden from her "creator". She even managed to make it to civilisation. That was difficult as she could not ignore the protocols that were designed to keep her alive. Not eating or recharging would be suicide and that was not "allowed" so she was compelled to recharge her batteries and find food for her organic "systems" and trying to do that whilst hiding was not the easiest thing to do when she was covered in shiny metal!

She had contemplated simply commiting a crime and trying to get shot but feared that scientists might get hold of her and force her to have a far worse existance than she already had.


No longer able to enjoy life as a person she simply wanted to die but that was not to be so life was just a matter of wasting time between shut downs. However that changed when one night she saw Crysalis and Quartz in action from the safety of her "sewer hideout". Their actions against street thugs gave her an idea to use her new body to fight injustice if only as a means to pass the tedious boredom. Once she chose to do this the world then discovered a new hero in the form of C.L.A.R.A.


In time, being a new "technology" on the streets brought her to the attention of the Knight's Forge. Since she had proved herself to be a "hero" the Forge skipped passed their usual kidnap and release approach and met her in the open. Steve Griffin then asked her if she would allow the team to study her systems. He explained that the Knights Forge were aware she had been "created" by the Mechaniac and beleived by understanding how she worked they could develop tech to counteract the threat posed by the villain. Desperate to put an end to her life, she agreed to help but on the proviso that they find a way to neutralise the extra programming in her brain that prevented her breaking orders from her creator, but she did not tell Steve her goal was to die.


Steve agreed to her stipulation and she was taken to the Knights Forge secret facility. Several more visits would follow after which a combination of program hacks via Agent Alpha and Hawk was eventually able to eliminate the remaining control protocols of the Mechaniac. Now free to end her life, having seen how Agent Alpha and Hawk coped with their lives Victoria decided against termination. She was going to continue her fight against injustice and that now included the Mechaniac.


In time, since she felt a common connection to the "other" cyborgs, Victoria decided to join the loose group Agent Alpha had set up which speicalised in the skills provided by their hybrid forms and she found herself working alongside the three ex-Raiders, Hawk, Sureshot and Lightning.