The Baron


REAL NAME: Wolfgang Schmitt

AGE: 53

HEIGHT: 5' 10 1/2"

BIRTHPLACE: Sydney Australia


WEAPON(S) OF CHOICE: None (Third party operatives!)


Extremely skilled in business and legal work.

Criminal Mastermind

Ownver an manager of Schmitt Chemicals one of the largest none mining industrial companies operating out of Atlantica


Highly intelligent but can be ruthless when the situations call for it. He has two distincive sides to his character. In public he puts about an image of a well spoken entrepeneur and pillar of the community but away from the public in order to ensure those running his criminal enterprises do not consider him a pushover he projects the image of a domineering and intimidating figure with little regard for human life.


Wolfgang likes to ive the expensive lifestyle and decorates his offices and homes with the finest quality goods. He like fine wining and dining and this adds to his false public image.


To most people Wolfgang Schmitt is known as an entrepeneur and owner of Schmitt chemicals, a large industrial concern base in Atlantica. To the criminal community he is known as The Baron.

Whilst very little is known about his past, the word on the street was that Schmitt was the last leader of Black Shadow, then operating under the psuedonym of Onyx. On the very night Black Shadow's leaders were caught, Onyx never made the meeting and thus cheated justice again. If CLEA had proof he was Onyx then that would have be enough to jail him for a long time but as none of the Black Shadow leaders would confirm Schmitt was Onyx or testify agaisnt him and without evidence they could not prosecute Schmitt on the strength of rumour alone.

With Black Shadow gone CLEA thought that Schmitt might no longer be a problem until street sources revealed that a criminal mastermind known as the Baron was operatign in Altantica. This they later concluded to be Schmitt and to stay off CLEA's radar instead of founding one large criminal enterprise he had taken control of lots of smaller ones, using his company's financies to run them.

Combined with his own considerable organisational and business skills Schmitt became a major player in orgnaised crime but he was always clever enough to avoid been caught because he controls the various enterprise by proxy, placing others in charge of running them. By never establishing a direct link between himself and criminal organisations when things go wrong nothing can be traced back to him. Schmitt thus had been able to avoid justice and high ranking SAIU officers have begrudingly given him respect for his abiltiy to hide any paper trails CLEA might use that lead back to him.

Such is his skill and intelect that even when caught in the presence of his associates, known criminals, he pretends he simply did know whom the people he was dealing with were doing anything wrong. Aware if they try to testify against him they will be killed, means his lawyers have been successful in keeping Schmitt out of jail for without hard evidence or the testomony of a witness CLEA has no proof they can use.

He therefore had been a thorn in the law enforcement's agency for years. High ranking CLEA operatives beleive all they need is Schmitt to make one mistake and they will have him but The Baron seems adept at remaining one step ahead of them. Having cheated justice when Black Shadow was destroyed many in official circles beleive Schmitt has sources within CLEA and this is not hard to imagine as for years Shadow Force had infiltrated the law enforcment agency.

On the occassions CLEA considers they might be close to getting someone close to Schmitt to talk they have all mysteriously vanished. Though they have no proof CLEA beleives Schmitt hires third parties to eliminate the problem. They are aware that when it comes to dealing with "internal" problems he employs the service of the Interrogator as the SAIU has catalogued various meetings between the pair but as it is only a minor misdemeaner to meet with a known wanted criminal the evidence gathered cannot be used to really hurt Schmitt.

This makes the Baron perhaps the most dangerous individuals in Atlantica and when the day comes that CLEA finally bring him to justice they beleive a lot of unresovled crimes will be cleared up.