Aaron Kelly



Known Group Members:


Vigiltante Type: Alpha









After taking over the family "business" Kelly his regarded as the most prolific supplier of black market goods. CLEA has kept tabs on him for several years and though his actions are illegal he has voluntarily supplied information a number of times which has helped bring down some major trouble causers. Consequently CLEA top brass beleive it is better to leave him in place rather than arrest him for petty black market crimes. Like many of their snitches Kelly works through a handler and has an "unofficial agreement" with the agency which allows him to continue "trading." However should he be seen to supply weapons or drugs then CLEA have made it quite clear they wil larrest him and throw the full weight of the law at him.

The threat though has not detered Kelly from pushing his luck and rumours are abound that he has "side deals" that CLEA is unaware of including moving fenced goods and supplying resources to Raider clans. Annoyingly for Kelly, though CLEA has no proof of the arrangements a number of Independant Alphas seem to be aware of them and so use this as leverage to force him to help.