Senator Morgan



Known Group Members:


Vigiltante Type: Alpha









A one time owner of Morgan Chemicals, Frank turned his back on his business when he discovered his true calling in life was politics. Using his vast fortune to funs a campaign he got eventually saw his dream come true when he saw made Senator of Atlantica South in 2165 a position he had maintained continuously by winning each election ever since.

Having come from a family where both his mother and father had served in CLEA he did not hide the fact that he had strong views towards the law and order and has passed many bills in the Senate in those regards. Morgan though maintained contact with business friends from the past.


When it became apparent to the SAIU team running operation Shadow Killer that one of Morgan’s friends was a member of Black Shadow, from information learned in the Anderson file they approached Morgan for his help.Understandably the Senator was shocked to learn that his friend was linked to organised crime but when told how Black Shadow operated in manipulating the Senate it made sense to Frank as on more than one occasion his friend had tried to get him to pass a bill through the Senate that was “unusual” and he had refused. The Shadow Killer team had also monitored the situation and believed that his friend was trying to get the Senator of Morgan’s power to inadvertently work for them.

Morgan of course wanted to know what he was supposed to do about it and was surprised when the SAIU officers suggested that he become a deep cover agent within Black Shadow. To inflate the group they suggested that Morgan did his friend’s bidding whilst they established some fake money transactions that made it look like he was accepting bribes, knowing that Black Shadow would learn of the transactions and be very interested.


After a week of deliberations Morgan agreed as coming from a CLEA family it was the right thing for him to do. As predicted once the transactions were spotted Morgan’s friend suggested he meet a group of people that were “interested” in him. Unfortunately the Shadow Killer team could not have foreseen that one of CLEA’s own, Captain Michael Williams would pick up on the fake business transactions. Even worse Morgan’s infiltration within the Black Shadow group looked certain to fail when Williams had Morgan arrested on corruption charges.

Rather than loosing everything, when it came to trial the Shadow Killer team had no choice but to turn against Williams and make him look dirty. The plan worked and Morgan escaped conviction and at the same time the trial actually solidified the Senator’s desirability to Black Shadow.


Within weeks of the trial Morgan was finally made a member of the Black Shadow group. His purpose was to go along with everything Black Shadow wanted in a bid to learn about its members and once they had discovered all their members and infrastructure they would take it all down in one go. The SAIU officers warned Morgan though that the process could take years because if they moved too soon key Black Shadow members might be missed and escape justice only to return and start the syndicate up again.

From that point forwards Morgan was left to manage his own situation as the SAIU officers felt if they were seen together too often then Black Shadow would get wind of their plans. For the next few years Morgan forwarded details on to operation Shadow Killer allowing the SAIU to start assembling the full picture of Black Shadow and Shadow Force operations and personnel.

Like many undercover operatives, Morgan was every much left to running his own show. As years passed with no official support to rely on if things went wrong Morgan started to get unesay about his situition. Consequently he began to look for "unofficial" support.


Whilst not exactly support Morgan did find early on a useful ally. He had learned via Black Shadow that the New Tokyo Shadow Force group were using an Alpha Superior to help them. Morgan learned how they had coerced a man called Yoshito Sekita into doing their bidding by placing a small explosive in his head. Knowing that there were no double agents in New Tokyo, Morgan (still trying to build a case) thought he could use the situation to his advantage and arranged for a private meeting with Yoshito.


As Morgan was a prominant Black Shadow member, Yoshito’s Shadow Force supervisor, Minoru Shimane could not refuse the meeting for fear of incurring the wrath of the parent organisation. During his meeting with Yoshito, Morgan offered told him the means to get out of Shadow Force but stated that first he had to act as a double agent for him. Begrudgingly Yoshito accepted and from that moment in time Morgan began to receive a steady supply of information regarding Shadow Force operations in New Tokyo.


Eight years after entering into Black Shadow, Morgan was surprised when a character from his past became a player in the game, when Mike Williams showed up on his doorstep. He still considered the Senator dirty and wanted some help with the files John Lyons had stolen. After an initial confrontation where Williams showed the Senator his newfound Alpha abilities, Morgan had chance to look at the stolen files and realised he was looking at a Shadow Force hit list.


When Williams stated his intention to prevent the people on the list being killed Morgan considered that the ex CLEA captain could act as a useful distraction which would enable several double agents in Black Shadow and Shadow Force to do their work far more easily. Taking a chance that Williams could be trusted Morgan told him everything he knew and that he was working as a double agent to bring down the same organisations. He also told Williams that he could not assist him any more than he had done as he knew Black Shadow monitored all their members but suggested that he seek out Andrew McCabe another name on the list. Before Williams left Morgan informed the ex CLEA captain that he now owed him a dept.


That dept was of course repaid when Morgan turned on the vid screen one day and saw on the news that a shootout had occurred in New Tokyo and that Yoshito had been arrested. Realising that Shadow Force would not allow Yoshito to talk especially as a Senate investigative team was now involved he knew he had to get Yoshito out of harms way but had no resources of his own to effect a rescue.

He did though have Williams owing him a debt and decided it was time to cash in that debt. Though Williams was reluctant to break someone out of a police station with an innocent life hanging in the balance he felt he had no choice and Williams paid his debt. Then for the next two years before Shadow Force collapsed and team Zodiac formally announced itself to the world Morgan occasionally fed information to Williams to help disrupt Shadow Force operations. In doing this Morgan now beleived he had the "unofficial support" he had desired for many years.


Despite his help though Williams was always sceptical about Morgan’s motives and believed the Senator would sell them all out at a moment notice if it got him nearer to nailing Black Shadow once and for all. That outcome though did not occur and Morgan supplied the pivotal piece of information and suggestions that allowed Team Zodiac and CLEA to arrest almost all the top Black Shadow members in one go. The organisation collapsed following these but some key members escaped.


At first Morgan thoughts they might come after him but when the did not occur he had a choice of retruning to being an "ordinary" politician or continue the fight against Senate corruption which still existed even without Black Shadow. Morgan chose the latter.